Gair Ghoomar:
This is one of the many dance-forms of the Bhill tribals. Performed during Holi festival, this is among a few performances where both men and women dance together.
Another Holi dance but performed only by men. This becomes Dandia Gair in Jodhpur and Geendad in Shekhawati.
Agni Nritya (Fire Dance):
Now performed by just a few bhopas in Bikaner district, this ritual is associated with members, of the jasnath sect from the Sidh caste. The ritual fire dance is enacted during the jasnath fairs or on special demand to cast away negative energy from someone's house. Dressed in white clothes and saffron colored turbans, the ritual starts with slow chanting by the priests to the rhythmic beat of the nagara : (large sigle-sided drum) and striking of manjiras Wnhile this is going on a pyre of wood is constructed and lit. As the wood burns to embers, the tempo of chanting land drumming is increased to produce a state of religious fervor. Once the wood is reduced to glowing red embers, the priests form a line and start to dance across the burning coals. Treating the embers as blessed gifts (prasaad) from their God, some hold embers in the mouth and offer them to the spectators.
Garasiya Dance:
Chakri :
Chang Dhamal:
Danced by men only, the group forms a single circular file, each man carrying a Dhap or chang (a single-sided large tambourine - like drum), excepting those who dress in female attire, and one who plays the flute. The dancers sing and rhythmically crouch, Walk and strike various poses with their instrument. The singing stops for a while, the flute player plays his instrument, and the Chang provide rhythm. Then the round of singing and movement is resumed.
Puppet plays based on popular legends are performed by skilled puppeteers. Displaying his skills in making the puppets' act and dance, the puppeteer is accompanied by a woman, usually his wife, who plays the dholak, or drum and sings the balled.
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